Wow....that blows my mind!
How do you know someone else has a perfect measuring tape, if you yourself can't tell a foot from an inch?
You only have that other person's claim to go on. Their measuring tape may be as bad as yours....or worse.
We have to go on the results then.
Results for God:
- Kills everyone with a devitating opinion. Killing to be escalated 'soon' in Armageddon.
- Allow slavery and objectification of women and children.
- Did not use his power or knowledge to cure disease, stop famine, improve living conditions.
Results for humans:
- Slowly but steadily moving away from absolute rulership to societies where devitating opinions are respected and seen as valuable. Diversity becomes accepted and even celebrated.
- Abolished legal slavery almost everywhere. Working hard to decrease 'modern' slavery.
- Promote respect for women and children as people, not being in subjection to or owned by men.
- Work together to slowly but steady improve living conditions for all, cure diseases and decrease famine and poverty. measuring tape may be crooked or off....but I'll take the human results any day!